Channel: Hoppapalooza – The Province
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VCBW 2013: CAMRApalooza, or, the Hoppapalooza that wasn’t, then was


Take a few deep breaths and sit down before you read the next line.

There are some things more important than craft beer.

The Wee Bean came down with a fever on Saturday night. Her temperature roller-coastered throughout Sunday, and by mid-afternoon, I knew I wouldn’t be attending this year’s Hoppapalooza at the Alibi Room.

For many people, Nigel Springthorpe’s annual feast of superlative brews — many of them in cask or culled from the Alibi’s ever-expanding cellar of aged bottles — is the premier beer event in B.C. Some would certainly make the case for premier beer event in Canada.

So, disappointment at the Zeschkyschloss, tempered by the reality that kids always come first. (And the hope that, God and/or fate willing, she’ll be spoon-feeding me one day.)

But there was still a whole week ahead of beer-filled goodness, right? First up was the book launch of Joe Wiebe‘s great B.C. beer guidebook, Craft Beer Revolution, at Yaletown Brewing Company. After a busy day filming a blockbuster documentary video with The Province’s moving-pictures guru Rafe Arnott, it seemed like an ideal event to wind down at.

But as the bus took me back downtown along Hastings, I realized I was passing close to the Alibi Room, and a light went on in my head.

Around 15 minutes later, I had the Hoppapalooza beer list in front of me and a taster glass of cask beer.

Karma? No, CAMRA, actually.

Thanks to the wonderful folks at the Vancouver chapter of the Campaign for Real Ale (and the good captain Springthorpe), I wormed my way into CAMRApalooza, a members-only event giving access to what had been on offer at Hoppapalooza the day before. (And yes, I am a CAMRA member, before you think any less of my blagging blogging ways.)

Nigel Springthorpe at CAMRApalooza at the Alibi Room.

Nigel Springthorpe at CAMRApalooza at the Alibi Room.

Springthorpe said the full lineup was there, bar two pins (small casks) that had run dry. That left a mere 18 cask ales to sample. The casks weren’t quite as carbonated, but then I prefer my beer flatter than most. No complaints here.

So, where to begin? It’s the classic Hoppadilemma. As are the indecipherable notes on my beer menu. Let’s see…

CAMRApalooza at the Alibi Room.

CAMRApalooza at the Alibi Room.

Central City Gateway to Helles: I loves me unfiltered lagers. Slightly fruity and amazingly refreshing in true Kellerbier style.

Deep Cove Tea Saison: One of the stars of the show from the soon-to open Deep Cove. Beautiful opaque orange colour that glowed in the setting sun streaming through the venue’s tall windows. Very subtle but refreshing tea notes in the aroma and on the tangerine-soaked palate.

R&B Organic Melon & Mint ESB (cask): More mint than melon, with the herb playing nicely off the hops.

Parallel 49/Steamworks Rye So Srs Bro? (cask): Lots of melon flavours in this Rye IPA (this would be something of a theme), which had a lovely full body and a herbal finish.

CAMRApalooza at the Alibi Room.


Tofino Spruce Tip IPA (cask): Could this have been best in show for two years running? Extraordinary aroma of pine trees after a summer rain shower. Lovely, lilting citrus and pine flavours with some mint on the finish.

Four Winds Columbus Dry-Hopped IPA (cask): Lots of luscious hops flavours in this well-rounded IPA.

Red Truck Ruby English Strong Ale (cask): Oddly, for an English-style ale, this could have used a little more carbonation. A dense and rich malty brew.

Parallel 49 Hopnotist Imperial IPA (cask): The hophead’s latest beer of choice, and I can see why. Massive tropical fruit flavours, predominantly melon with some pineapple in the finish.

CAMRApalooza at the Alibi Room.


Bomber Superpest 2IPA: Huge bitterness, but lacking enough flavour to match.

Lighthouse Numbskull 2IPA: In the same tropical vein as the Hopnotist, but not as intense. Which is not a bad thing, by the way.

Russell/Dave Shea Nautical Disaster Barley Wine (cask): The VanBrewers homebrew champion. Surprisingly light for a barley wine (a paltry 9.3%!) but with a solid body and a flavour profile featuring subtle oak and vanilla that just keeps going.

I had to call a halt there. I decided not to even start down the path of the 11 aged barley wines on offer, as I had to get home at some point this week.

Thanks again to the fabulous folks at CAMRA Vancouver, Nigel Springthorpe and the serving staff at the Alibi, as well as the kitchen, which turned out a great spread of toppings and sides to go with some big meaty burgers. Ballast is critical for these events, but it’s remarkable when it’s so good it can make you forget about all the incredible beer for a few minutes.

Casks galore at CAMRApalooza at the Alibi Room.



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